Wednesday, September 17, 2014

First Reading Log Due & Stone Fox

I will be collecting the first reading log on Friday! I am excited to see all of the different books that we are reading at home. We will use the logs for an activity in class so be sure to bring it in!

Stone FoxEach student has created a Book Collection Ring out of index cards to keep track of the books that they read this year. Cards are filled out anytime a book is finished. It is exciting to see their reading collections grow!  These will be available to look at during our Open House, next Wednesday, Sept. 24 6pm-7:30pm.

We are currently reading Stone Fox during our Interactive Read Aloud time. This is not "just a story time"! There is SOOO much thinking and processing going on during the reading and our discussions. I am proud of the great conversations that are starting to take place. As I am reading, I pause just once or twice to prompt the strategic thinking that I want to elicit from the students. Be sure to ask your child about the story and their thoughts on the book!

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