Thursday, July 7, 2011

Classroom Jobs is having a link party that is all about classroom jobs! Branching out in the blog world to join!. Here is my tried and true ideas:

Class Counter. 
Yes, this is a job all about counting for the kids, and behavior management for the teacher. I had a Kind. boy in class once who had a very difficult time whenever we had to transition to leaving the room for anything. So he got the job of counting everyone in line as we were leaving so that we could be sure everyone was with us. Counting the people in line kept him busy and focused!
This is the perfect job for the teacher-to-be in the class. You know the student who always wants to help? They will love this simple idea. The student keeps a notepad, or scrap piece of paper at their desk. Throughout the day if things come up that I don't want to forget, I will tell them to jot it down. At the end of the day I have a nice reminder/to-do list and the student has done a REAL job with meaning (and did a bit of writing as well!)

More great ideas are at Mel D.'s blog here!

1 comment:

Mel D said...

Thanks for linking up to the party! You have some great ideas! Can you possibly put a link that to my site so your followers know where to go if they want to join the party? Thanks so much for sharing your ideas.
Peace, Mel D
Oh the Places We’ll Go